I’m proud of this page: https://www.rhetoricring.com/rhetoric-and-ethics/phronesis/the-dianoetic-virtues/
Just directed my students to it in my online rhetoric class for Wittenberg Academy. AND I’m building dialogue along these lines, between Quintilian and St. Paul, in Spain, into my historical novel. (Right now, in fact . . . )
Quintilian famously defines rhetoric as, “the good man speaking well.” In my novel, St. Paul discusses with Q the ethics of rhetoric, which will shape Q’s definition, articulated years later, in his Institutes of Oratory. This dialogue will suggest that Paul influenced Quintilian as he was forming his views. I also have Paul sharing the gospel with Q (which has implications in his golden years, long after Paul was beheaded in Rome). Q, in turn, helps St. Paul revise a manuscript he’s working on during his missionary trip to Spain. *stay tuned* should be on bookshelves within a year. . .
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